Отец, Ты нас любишь / Good Good Father

Отец Ты нас любишь (Good, Good Father) [Official Lyric Video]

1 куплет:
Я слышал тысячи мнений
Как люди верят в Тебя.
Но нежный шепот вечерний
Любовью окутал меня,
Сказав мне, что Ты меня любишь
И вечно рядом со мной.

Отец, Ты нас любишь,
Ты есть любовь, Ты есть любовь
Ты есть любовь
А мы - Твои дети
Твоя семья, Твоя семья
Твоя семья

2 куплет:
Все люди ищут ответы,
Готовы плыть за моря.
И все мы ходим кругами
В надежде узнать Тебя.
И я понял, только Ты знаешь,
Что жаждет душа моя.

Твоя мудрость превыше небес!
Совершенен и свят Ты, Отец!
Все пути Твои - истина, жизнь!
Ты благ!

3 куплет:
Любовь Твоя покоряет,
И я в удивлении стою.
Мир Твой необъяснимый!
Я сердце Тебе отдаю!
И Ты нежно меня призываешь,
Ты душу мою очищаешь,
Ты сердце моё наполняешь
И любишь, любишь меня.

Твоя мудрость превыше небес!
Совершенен и свят Ты, Отец!


Good Good Father

Verse 1:
I've heard a thousand stories
Of what they think You're like
But I've heard the tender whisper
Of love in the dead of night
And You tell me that You're pleased
And that I'm never alone

You're a good, good Father,
It's who You are, it's who You are,
It's who You are
And I'm loved by You
It's who I am, it's who I am
It's who I am

Verse 2:
Oh and I've seen many searching for
Answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching for answers only You provide
Because You know just what we need
Before we say a word

Because You are perfect
In all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways
To us

Verse 3:
Oh this Love so undeniable
I, I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I, I can hardly think
As You call me, deeper still
As You call me deeper still
As You call me deeper still
Into love, love, love

You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways

Good Good Father

Verse 1:
I've heard a thousand stories
Of what they think You're like
But I've heard the tender whisper
Of love in the dead of night
And You tell me that You're pleased
And that I'm never alone

You're a good, good Father,
It's who You are, it's who You are,
It's who You are
And I'm loved by You
It's who I am, it's who I am
It's who I am

Verse 2:
Oh and I've seen many searching for
Answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching for answers only You provide
Because You know just what we need
Before we say a word

Because You are perfect
In all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways
To us

Verse 3:
Oh this Love so undeniable
I, I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I, I can hardly think
As You call me, deeper still
As You call me deeper still
As You call me deeper still
Into love, love, love

You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your way

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Anthony Brown, Pat Barrett
Copyright © 2014 Common Hymnal Digital (BMI) Housefires Sounds (ASCAP) Tony Brown Publishing Designee (BMI) worshiptogether.com Songs (ASCAP) sixsteps Music (ASCAP) Vamos Publishing (ASCAP) Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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