Славь Царя / Praise the King

How to play: Praise the King by Corey Voss | tutorial
Corey Voss - Praise The King (Official Lyric Video)

1 куплет:
Как же так, что больше нет греха проклятья?
Тьма теперь бежит от света отчего?
Я сейчас стою прощён -
Причина в том, что Иисус – живой!

2 куплет:
Почему же мы теперь непобедимы?
Отчего сердца поют и в тьме ночной
И надежда вечна? А причина в том, что
Иисус – живой!

Славь Царя, Он – Воскресший!
Славь Царя, Он – живой!
Славь Царя, смерть попрал Он,
Аллилуйя, Он – живой!
Аллилуйя, Он – живой!

3 куплет:
Отчего теперь у нас в душе нет страха?
Как же может быть, что мертвый снова жив?
С Ним и мы воскреснем в жизнь. Причина в том, что
Иисус – живой!

Пред ликованьем неба
Теперь бессильна смерть.
Где, ад, твоя победа,
Смерти жало где?
Пред радостью спасённых
Мир бессилен сей.
Где, ад, твоя победа?
Смерти жало где?


Praise the King

Verse 1:
There's a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There's a reason why the darkness runs from light
There's a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Jesus is alive!

Verse 2:
There's a reason why we are not overtaken
There's a reason we sing on through the night
There's a reason why our hope remains eternal
Jesus is alive

Praise the King, He is risen
Praise the King, He's alive
Praise the King, death's defeated
Hallelujah He's alive
Hallelujah He's alive

Verse 3:
There's a reason why our hearts can be courageous
There's a reason why the dead are made alive
There's a reason why we share His resurrection
Jesus is alive.

The grave could not ignore it
When all of heaven's roaring
Hell, where is your victory
Death where is your sting
The world could not ignore it
When all the saints are roaring
Hell, where is your victory
Death where is your sting

Praise the King

Verse 1:
There's a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There's a reason why the darkness runs from light
There's a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Jesus is alive!

Verse 2:
There's a reason why we are not overtaken
There's a reason we sing on through the night
There's a reason why our hope remains eternal
Jesus is alive

Praise the King, He is risen
Praise the King, He's alive
Praise the King, death's defeated
Hallelujah He's alive
Hallelujah He's alive

Verse 3:
There's a reason why our hearts can be courageous
There's a reason why the dead are made alive
There's a reason why we share His resurrection
Jesus is alive.

The grave could not ignore it
When all of heaven's roaring
Hell, where is your victory
Death where is your sting
The world could not ignore it
When all the saints are roaring
Hell, where is your victory
Death where is your sting

Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Corey Voss, Dustin Smith, Michael Bryce, Michael Farren
Copyright © 2015 Centricity Music Publishing (ASCAP) CentricSongs (SESAC) Integrity's Alleluia! Music (SESAC) Integrity's Praise! Music (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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