Господь сошёл / God Made Low

God Made Low [Acoustic Sessions]

1 Куплет:
Царь пришёл, надежды свет,
Его так ждали много лет.
Тот чудный сын, что деве дан,
Свершит спасенья мира план.

2 Куплет:
Пастухи спешат к Нему,
Услышав ангелов хвалу.
И видят: ясли, мать, а с ней —
Надежда мира, Царь царей!

Эммануил нас посетил!
Христос рождён, аллилуйя!
Господь сошёл, чтобы нас спасти,
Эммануил нас посетил!

3 Куплет:
Спит на сене, беден, прост,
Он держит солнце, бездны звёзд!
Малыш, чей слышен первый вдох, —
Предвечный и всевластный Бог!

4 Куплет:
За грех наш Он себя отдаст,
Чтоб Бог усыновить мог нас.
Откроем мы Ему сердца!
Он верен слову до конца.

Финальный припев:
Эммануил нас посетил!
Христос рождён, аллилуйя!
Эммануил нас посетил!
Христос рождён, аллилуйя! (Аллилуйя!)
Господь сошел, чтобы нас спасти,
Эммануил (Эммануил) нас посетил!    


God Made Low

Prophets promised long ago
A King would come to bring us hope
And now a virgin bears a son
The time to save the world has come

Humble shepherds run in haste
To see the One, the angels praised
In cattle stall they find a girl
Who holds the hope of all the world

Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah!
Our God made low to raise us up
Emmanuel, has come to us

As He sleeps upon the hay
He holds the moon and stars in place
Though born an infant, He remains
The sovereign God of endless days

For all our sins, one day He'll die
To make us sons of God on high
Let every heart prepare Him room
The promises have all come true

Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah!
Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!)
Our God made low to raise us up
Emmanuel (Emmanuel), has come to us    

God Made Low

Prophets promised long ago
A King would come to bring us hope
And now a virgin bears a son
The time to save the world has come

Humble shepherds run in haste
To see the One, the angels praised
In cattle stall they find a girl
Who holds the hope of all the world

Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah!
Our God made low to raise us up
Emmanuel, has come to us

As He sleeps upon the hay
He holds the moon and stars in place
Though born an infant, He remains
The sovereign God of endless days

For all our sins, one day He'll die
To make us sons of God on high
Let every heart prepare Him room
The promises have all come true

Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah!
Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born! Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!)
Our God made low to raise us up
Emmanuel (Emmanuel), has come to us    

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Bob Kauflin, Jason Hansen
Copyright © 2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. From Prepare Him Room. All rights reserved. Administrated worldwide at www.CapitolCMGPublishing.com, excluding the UK which is adm. by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family.
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