Христос во мне / Christ in Me

1 Куплет:
Был словно пленник, мёртв во грехах,
Мечты разбиты, жизнь словно прах...
Но милость Божья с небес сошла,
Нашёл Сын Божий и спас меня!

Христос во мне - надежда славы,
На крест взошёл, меня спасая!
Ушло былое, новое настало!
Христос во мне - надежда славы!

2 Куплет: 
Освободил Он навек меня,
Спаситель чудный, искуплен я!
Из тьмы могилы взошёл рассвет,
Оковы пали, мой стыд исчез!

Всё новое творишь, Иисус!
Всё новое творишь, Спаситель!    


Christ in Me

I was a prisoner dead in my sin
I had no future no life within
Who could imagine there in that day
Jesus found me and Jesus saved

Christ in me the hope of glory
And I’m alive ‘cause hope came for me
The old is gone and now the new has come
Singin’ Christ in me the hope of glory

It was for freedom He set me free
Oh, what a savior, I’ve been redeemed
Up from the grave, the new day dawns
My chains are broken, my shame is gone

You’re making all things new, Jesus!
You’re making all things new, (my) Savior!    

Christ in Me

I was a prisoner dead in my sin
I had no future no life within
Who could imagine there in that day
Jesus found me and Jesus saved

Christ in me the hope of glory
And I’m alive ‘cause hope came for me
The old is gone and now the new has come
Singin’ Christ in me the hope of glory

It was for freedom He set me free
Oh, what a savior, I’ve been redeemed
Up from the grave, the new day dawns
My chains are broken, my shame is gone

You’re making all things new, Jesus!
You’re making all things new, (my) Savior!  

Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Ed Cash, Melodie Malone, Brett Younker, Jeff Johnson
Copyright © 2023 Seven Hills Entertainment, The Fuel Music (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Работает на Cornerstone