Иисус, Тебе нет равных / Jesus There’s No One Like You

1 Куплет:
Песен не хватит воспеть
О славе Твоей, Вседержитель.
Не описать нам в словах
Как ты прекрасен, Спаситель.

Иисус, Тебе нет равных!
Славим Тебя мы, и превозносим!
Тебе нет равных!
Любим Тебя мы, дивный Христос Господь!

2 Куплет:
Вечная милость Твоя
Грешникам жизнь подарила.
Чем же воздать за любовь,
Что сердце навек изменила?

О Господь,
Ты нам нужен,
Лишь в Тебе наша жизнь!


Jesus There’s No One Like You

There is no song we could sing
To honor the weight of Your glory
There are no words we could speak
To capture the depth of Your beauty

Jesus, there’s no one like You
Jesus, we love You, ever adore You
There’s no one like You
Jesus, we love You, ever adore You, Lord

There is no sinner beyond
The infinite stretch of Your mercy
How can we thank You enough
For how You have loved us completely?

All we have
All we need
All we want is You

Jesus There’s No One Like You

There is no song we could sing
To honor the weight of Your glory
There are no words we could speak
To capture the depth of Your beauty

Jesus, there’s no one like You
Jesus, we love You, ever adore You
There’s no one like You
Jesus, we love You, ever adore You, Lord

There is no sinner beyond
The infinite stretch of Your mercy
How can we thank You enough
For how You have loved us completely?

All we have
All we need
All we want is You

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Brittany Kauflin, Grace Nixon, Jordan Kauflin, Neil DeGraide
Copyright © 2017 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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