Аллилуйя! Он - наш Царь! / Hallelujah Christ Our King

Куплет 1:
На горе души моей спасенья
Виден крест - знак моего стыда
Там Спаситель ради искупленья
Взял весь стыд и долг мой на Себя.

Куплет 2:
Тьма сошла, земля поколебалась
И завеса в храме порвалась,
Иисус воскликнул: "Совершилось!"
Так уплачен выкуп был за нас.

Припев 1:
Аллилуйя! Он достоин!
Заклан Агнец был за нас.
Власть греха Христос сокрушил навеки
Аллилуйя! Он - наш Царь!

Куплет 3:
В третий день на утро камень гроба
Был отвален. Ангел им сказал:
«Зачем вы ищите живого среди мёртвых?
Его нет здесь! Из гроба Он восстал!»

Припев 2:
Аллилуйя! Он воскресший!
Искупитель жизнь нам дал.
Смерти власть Христос сокрушил навеки
Аллилуйя! Он - наш Царь!

Куплет 4:
Наш Спаситель царствует навеки
И за церковью Своей придёт,
В тот день предстанем все пред Его престолом
И прославим Агнца Божьего!

Припев 3:
Аллилуйя! Он грядёт к нам
В Своей славе, Мессия наш.
Ада власть Христос сокрушил навеки
Аллилуйя! Он - наш Царь!


Hallelujah Christ Our King

On the mountain of my soul's redemption
Stood a cross, the emblem of my shame.
There my Savior took my debt upon
Him and He bore the burden of my blame.

Darkness fell down, all the earth was shaken;
The veil divided and the dead were raised.
And with His last breath He cried out, "It is finished!»
For at last sin's ransom had been paid.

Hallelujah! Christ is worthy.
What a Savior, slain for me.
All the pow'r of sin is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

On the third day when they came to mourn Him,
Angels stood there, the stone was rolled away.
"Why do you look among the dead for the living?
He's not here. He has risen from the grave!"

Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
My Redeemer, raised for me.
All the pow'r of death is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

Now my Savior is forever reigning.
One day soon He'll come back for His own.
And on that day we'll be gathered all together
And we'll worship the Lamb upon His throne!

Hallelujah! Christ is coming.
Our Messiah, in majesty.
All the pow'r of Hell is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

Hallelujah Christ Our King

On the mountain of my soul's redemption
Stood a cross, the emblem of my shame.
There my Savior took my debt upon
Him and He bore the burden of my blame.

Darkness fell down, all the earth was shaken;
The veil divided and the dead were raised.
And with His last breath He cried out, "It is finished!»
For at last sin's ransom had been paid.

Hallelujah! Christ is worthy.
What a Savior, slain for me.
All the pow'r of sin is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

On the third day when they came to mourn Him,
Angels stood there, the stone was rolled away.
"Why do you look among the dead for the living?
He's not here. He has risen from the grave!"

Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
My Redeemer, raised for me.
All the pow'r of death is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

Now my Savior is forever reigning.
One day soon He'll come back for His own.
And on that day we'll be gathered all together
And we'll worship the Lamb upon His throne!

Hallelujah! Christ is coming.
Our Messiah, in majesty.
All the pow'r of Hell is forever broken.
Hallelujah! Christ our King!

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Corbin Pierce, Cynthia Record-Jehl, Michael Neale, Scott Dyer
Copyright © 2018 New Collective Music (ASCAP) / New Collective Worship (BMI) / Michael Rossback Music (ASCAP) / Michael Neale Music (BMI) Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) / Integrity Worship Music/Leadworship Songs (ASCAP) (adm worldwide at CapitolCMGPublishing.com, excluding the UK & Europe, which are adm by Integrity Music) All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
Работает на Cornerstone