В красе Его и славе / The King In All His Beauty

The King in All His Beauty • The Glorious Christ Live

1 Куплет:
О, к небу взор свой подними,
К Тому, Кто свят и вечен.
Господь во храме там царит,
В величьи бесконечном.
Примкни к симфонии Небес,
Склонись пред благодатью,
Воздай Царю хвалу и честь,
В красе Его и славе!

Достоин, достоин, достоин Царь,  
В красе Его и Славе!

Куплет 2:
А вот в короне Царь, взгляни,
Колючей и позорной...
Стал жертвой Он за грешный мир,
Невинный за виновных.
Когда же кровь из-под венца, 
Земля, дрожа, впитала,
Вздохнув, поник главою Царь, 
В красе Его и славе.

Куплет 3: 
Теперь возвышен Он, смотри, 
Спаситель наш и Агнец,
Надежда всех людей земли,
В нетленном, вечном царстве!
Со славословием входи
В дворы Его по праву,
Царя в веках мы будем чтить,
В красе Его и славе!


The King In All His Beauty

O lift your eyes to heaven, see
The Holy One eternal
Behold the Lord of majesty
Exalted in His temple
As symphonies of angels praise
Now strain to sound His glory
Come worship, fall before His grace
The King in all His beauty

How worthy, how worthy, how worthy
The King in all His beauty

Now see the King who wears a crown
One made of shame and splinters
The sacrifice for ruined man
The substitute for sinners
As earth is stained with royal blood
And quakes with love and fury
He breathes His last and bows His head
The King in all His beauty

Now see the Savior lifted up
The Lamb who reigns in splendor
The hope of every tribe and tongue
His kingdom is forever!
Bring praise and honor to His courts
Bring wisdom, power, blessing
For endless ages we’ll adore
The King in all His beauty    

The King In All His Beauty

O lift your eyes to heaven, see
The Holy One eternal
Behold the Lord of majesty
Exalted in His temple
As symphonies of angels praise
Now strain to sound His glory
Come worship, fall before His grace
The King in all His beauty

How worthy, how worthy, how worthy
The King in all His beauty

Now see the King who wears a crown
One made of shame and splinters
The sacrifice for ruined man
The substitute for sinners
As earth is stained with royal blood
And quakes with love and fury
He breathes His last and bows His head
The King in all His beauty

Now see the Savior lifted up
The Lamb who reigns in splendor
The hope of every tribe and tongue
His kingdom is forever!
Bring praise and honor to His courts
Bring wisdom, power, blessing
For endless ages we’ll adore
The King in all His beauty    

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Matt Papa, Matt Boswell
Copyright © 2015 Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies, Messenger Hymns (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
Работает на Cornerstone